Why FinancialAdvice.net Wins Financial Adviser Awards

Published / Last Updated on 11/09/2024

Why has FinancialAdvice.net won so many financial adviser awards?  This is so difficult to answer as we do not knowingly target awards to win.  We have won 59 awards (as at September 2024) in the 24 years that we have been trading and many will think they are therefore easy to win, like ‘shelling peas’.  This is not the case.

50+ Awards

Awards Judging Process

Most financial services awards, gongs and medals are run by established Financial Services media groups and professional bodies such as Financial Times FA Awards, Money Marketing, Professional Adviser, Moneyfacts and the Chartered Insurance Institute.  It is not about the advertising revenue; it is about benchmarking for all financial services groups to better improve services and the standards of advice for the consumer.  Each award series will have a different process and criteria but in general terms, the following pattern for judging will usually be in place:

  • Nomination is usually by the public, other industry professionals and for some, firms can self nominate.
  • Technical interviews with a panel of judges.
  • Case studies with questioning by a panel (these are not easy).
  • Submissions by firms of what they had done in the year or are developing to improve the industry or consumer/client experience.
  • Judging panels will look at developments, output, consumer experience, results, impact on the industry and more.
  • Consumers and website users as well as ‘mystery shoppers’ may also be used to gain an insight into a firm’s operations and service without the firm every knowing.

What We do?

  • We were pioneers of the online, remote and fee only advice process going way back to the year 2000 when the internet (dial up as it was then) was in its infancy.
  • We develop all own systems.
  • Many of the online services that we have developed over the years have been copied by many, we have even seen terminology that the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) uses today, was invented and came from us (we have no proof but it is surprising how much of the terms that we use and the good practice that we employ, is now part of the FCA’s Conduct of Business Rulebook.
  • The husband-and-wife director/owner/founders of this firm are both 1st Class Honours Degree qualified in the full range of financial services advice, law, tax law, trusts, investment, pensions, care, equity release and more.  They were both early qualifiers of the new ‘Chartered’ designation status that started in 1995, with Ashley Roberts-Clark being in the first ever listing of having achieved Chartered status under the Institute’s Royal Charter.
  • As well as the 70 plus advanced examinations we have passed, we also complete 100s of hours of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) study each year to keep up to date with all the latest news, law, tax changes and trends.
  • We have 10,000 pages and articles published online s well as 2,000+ educational videos with most of them free to access.
  • We write/author over 150 ‘new’ news items and 150 new videos each year as well as 50 weekly updates, 50 market investment alerts, 8 full newsletters, 30+ financial tools and 200 fee based products and services online.  How many financial adviser websites publish their fees in a clear format and allow you to create your own fee quote? We are transparent and you are in control.
  • We offer hundreds of free consultations each year.  If we can help you in 20 minutes and send you on your ‘merry way’ there is no charge.  If we cross the line to regulated advice, we will quote you a fee and leave to decide in private whether we are right firm for you.
  • Our fees have 4 fee price combination options with discounts of up to 25% for face to face, non-face to face, paid upfront and/or paid on completion.

So, Why Does FinancialAdvice.net Win Financial Adviser Awards?

  • That is up to you and the judges. 
  • We get up everyday, 7 days a week to make sure our clients get the best we can give (yes, we do have downtime/fun time too).  We give a lot of ourselves to help all people whether rich or poor and we think this is reflected in why we are shortlisted for many awards series.
  • We are consumers too and buy good and services everyday the same as you.  We simply treat people the way we would like to be treated and hope that we continue to set the standards and benchmarks that other firms will follow.

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