Care Fees Capital Limits

Published / Last Updated on 06/04/2024

Care Means Test - Capital 2024

Self Funding Limits and Means Testing

If you have capital assets, that is your personal wealth is worth more than the following, this does includes your house value, you may need to fund some or all of your own care, after a care means test.  Under the Charges for Residential Accommodation Guidelines (CRAG), Local authorities will be required to contribute towards the social care costs (at home or in a care home) based upon the following: 


  • Upper Capital Limit: £23,250.00.  If your wealth is above this, you are required to self fund social care.
  • Lower Capital Limit: £14,250.00.  If your wealth is below this, the local authority will fund social care.
  • Wealth between £23,250.00 and £14,250.00?
  • You will be required to make a contribution for every £250.00 over £14,250.00, you will be required to pay £1 per week towards social care fees.
  • Income Assessment:  your income will also assessed.

Northern Ireland

  • Upper Capital Limit: £23,250.00.  If your wealth is above this, you are required to self fund social care.
  • Lower Capital Limit: £14,250.00.  If your wealth is below this, the local authority will fund social care.
  • Wealth between £23,250.00 and £14,250.00?
  • You will be required to make a contribution for every £250.00 over £14,250.00, you will be required to pay £1.00 per week towards social care fees.
  • Income Assessment: your income will also assessed.


  • Upper Capital Limit: £35,000.00.  If your wealth is above this, you will be required to self fund social care.
  • Lower Capital Limit: £21,500.00.  If your wealth is below this, the local authority will fund social care.
  • Wealth between £35,000.00 and £21,500.00?
  • You will be required to make a contribution for every £250.00 over £21,500.00, you will be required to pay £1.00 per week towards social care fees.
  • In addition to all of the above, if you are over 65 years and assessed as needing to go into a care home you can claim up to £171.00 per week for social care and up to £78.00 per week for nursing care.  This is paid by the local authority direct to the care home.
  • Income Assessment:  your income will also assessed.


  • Upper Capital Limit: £50,000.00.  If your wealth is above this, you are required to self fund social care.
  • Lower Capital Limit: £50,000.00.  If your wealth is below this, the local authority will fund social care.
  • Wales' lower limit is the same as its upper limit.  This means there is no contribution for wealth below £50,000.00.
  • If relatives have savings above £50,000.00 you/they will have to fund care fees.
  • If relatives have savings below £50,000.00 you/they will not have to fund care fees.
  • Income Assessment:  your income will also assessed.

Overall care principals for all nations:

Above Capital Limits - If, following a care means test, your assets are above the upper capital limit, you will be required to fund your own social and accommodation care costs.  You will still receive a contribution torwards nursing care.

Between Capital Limits - If, following a care means test, your assets are in between the upper and lower capital limits, the local authority may fund your own social and accommodation care costs subject to a tariff income calculation and then a full income assessment.  You will receive a contribution torwards nursing care.

Below Capital Limits - If, following a care means test, your assets are below the lower capital limits, the local authority may fund your own social and accommodation care costs subject to a full income assessment.  You will still receive a contribution torwards nursing care.



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