Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney

Published / Last Updated on 01/08/2021

"Death does not take the WISE man by surprise, he is always PREPARED to leave" - Jean de la Fontaine (1621 - 1695)

Are you wise? Are you prepared? Death is the one engagement that we all have to keep! We all hope it is later rather than sooner.

What if you died tomorrow?

  • Would your wishes be carried out exactly as you would want them?
  • Would your loved ones receive exactly what you wish them to have?
  • If you have children that are dependent how are they going to be provided for?
  • If you are divorced, could the wrong person have claim on your estate?
  • If you have step children, they are not provided for unless you detail it in a Will.

Without a Will - The Prince of Wales may inherit your estate

If you have not made a Will, it may be months or even years before the people who you care about can look after your affairs. As well as the general pain it may also cause financial difficulty.

Worse still, if no person has a claim on your estate and you have not made a Will then all of your estate passes to the Crown (The Government) or it becomes the property of the Duchy of Cornwall (Prince of Wales) or the Duchy of Lancaster (if you live in those areas).

Contact us for advice and protect your estate and family's future.

Making a Will or Lasting Power of Attorney

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