Consider Sharing Personal Allowance Before Tax Year End

Published / Last Updated on 21/02/2020

The personal allowance is currently £12,500.  This is the amount of earned or pension income you can receive before paying income tax.

If you are married or in a civil partnership you can share 10% of your personal allowance (10% X £12,500) = £1,250 with your partner if your income is low.

For example, your income is £10,000 pa and your partner’s is £20,000.  You can share £1,250 of your £2,500 unused personal allowance with your partner to get an immediate tax refund for this year and beyond.

For a 20% basic rate tax payer, this could mean a tax refund of £250.

For a 40% higher rate tax payer, this could mean a tax refund of £500.

For a 45% additional rate tax payer, this could mean a tax refund of £562.50.

But with other ‘cross over thresholds’ e.g. pensions taper relief or reduced/nil personal allowance when earning over £100,000 and £125,000 this could mean a real tax refund of up even more c £900.

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