Bronze Money MOT Pay As You Go Service

Published / Last Updated on 23/12/2023

BRONZE SERVICE - Free registration, Free weekly updates, Free consultation.
This is our "Pay As You Go" Financial Advice Review Service i.e.  you only pay if you need advice.  

BRONZE is ideal for those who do not require a full yearly review of their financial, taxation, pension and investment position and do not want ongoing financial advice but would like our weekly updates and an optional free consultation.

  • You prefer to self manage your portfolio, control your costs and pay fees only when you require our advice.
  • You probably just want to receive our regular newsletters and emails at this stage and a quick chat with an adviser.

Who should consider our Bronze Service?

Every person, family or organisation should have a financial adviser appointed to monitor their affairs and be in a position to review their financial position regularly.  We actually recommend that most people should use our Gold or Platinum service and have their affairs reviewed at least once a year although many prefer the flexibility and no cost option of our Bronze Service.

What is included in our Bronze Service?

  • Free Weekly email news and updates
  • Free Website access to most articles, videos, news and tools but not those reserved for Silver, Gold and Platinum fee paying clients
  • Free 30 mins consultation

Additional Services Available For Bronze Clients

  • Newsletters - we issue our informative, regular quarterly newsletters if you sign up to our low cost Silver service
  • Full, Unrestricted Website access to all our tools, calculators, videos, quarterly newsletters, weekly news and articles if you sign up to our low cost Silver service
  • 2 x Consultations a year if you sign up to our low cost Silver service
  • We deal with investment, pension, insurance companies - on request, we deal with any queries from insurance, investment or pension companies throughout the year - an additional charge may be made for this service.  If you require ongoing advice you should consider Gold or Platinum service.
  • We deal with authorities - on request, we deal with tax authorities when and where required throughout the year- an additional charge will be made for this service.  If you require ongoing advice you should consider Gold or Platinum service.
  • Monitor investments - we monitor changes in investment markets throughout the year - this may be passed to you as part of a news email - we will only advise on request and an additional charge will be made for this service.  If you require ongoing advice you should consider Gold or Platinum service.
  • Monitor law and tax - we monitor changes in law and taxation throughout the year - this may be passed to you as part of a news email - we will only advise on request and an additional charge will be made for this service.  If you require ongoing advice you should consider Gold or Platinum service.
  • Review - we review your investments made on our advice only when requested by you - an additional charge will be made for this service.  If you require ongoing advice you should consider Gold or Platinum service.
  • Valuation - on request, we give you a full written report including valuation of transactions made on our advice once a year and an overview of the performance and investment returns- an additional charge will be made for this service.  If you require ongoing advice you should consider Gold or Platinum service.
  • Meetings - we can offer meetings with you face to face or remote consultations to discuss ongoing changes to your portfolio - an additional charge may be made for this service .  If you require ongoing advice without further charges you should consider Gold or Platinum service.
  • Report - we will prepare a full written report on your portfolio and the markets explaining all those statements in plain English, removing all the jargon so that you understand what you have when requested by you - an additional charge will be made for this service.  If you require ongoing reports without further charges you should consider Gold or Platinum service.
  • Advice - we give ongoing advice and make changes to your portfolio when requested by you - an additional charge willbe made for this service.  If you require ongoing advice you should consider Gold or Platinum service.
  • Telephone - you can telephone us at any time - an additional charge may be made for this service.  If you require unlimited contact without further charges you should consider Gold or Platinum service.

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