Mid-Term Funds Review


This service is for existing Gold and Platinum Money MOT Service clients only that want an additional 'mid-term' review before their next main quarterly or yearly review is due.

Economies, politics and markets can change significantly in days.  We only have to look at Brexit or in 2020, the coronavirus to understand how the World and markets change very quickly.  This affect market exposure for our investments in a matter of days and weeks with extreme volatility.

What Should I Do?  If you wish to switch or have a mid-term review of funds invested in:

  • For Gold and Platinum clients who do not want mid-term advice, we will action your specific switch instructions at no charge - simply email us with your specific instructions and we will action them.
  • For Platinum clients it may make sense to wait until your next quarterly review and we will discuss and then recommend/action any fund switches.  This may not be feasible for a Gold client if you have a few months before your next yearly review is due.
  • For Gold and Platinum clients who do not want to wait until the next review and still want mid-term advice on which funds to switch to/from, there is a charge per policy (in a similar way to Gold and Platinum service fees).

CHECK YOUR LAST REVIEW REPORT:  To see what funds we recommended to you so that you know what you are in or what you decided to postpone investing in.

Still want Mid-term advice?

  • Platinum clients: no charge if we bring forward your next quarterly review - contact us
  • Platinum clients: who want a mid-term review in addition to all four quarterly reviews  - there is a charge, get a quote below.
  • Gold clients: who want a mid-term review in addition to the yearly review  - there is a charge, get a quote below.
  • Silver and Bronze clients: do not use this service - you will need a full initial review.

What is included?

  • Records - We maintain a full and complete financial services file
  • Review Investment Funds - We monitor changes in investment markets and notify you if we believe action is needed
  • Review Law and Tax - We monitor changes in law and taxation and notify you if we believe action is needed
  • Advice - We give advice and suggest changes to your portfolio where needed
  • Report - We give you a short, written report with valuations and portfolio recommendations
  • Meetings - We will have a meeting with you face to face or a remote consultation to discuss ongoing changes (depending upon fee option selected)
  • Deal with Companies - We deal with any queries from insurance, investment or pension companies regarding any fund switches/changes

Mid-Term ‘Money MOT’ Service Fees:  

Our fees are based upon the number of policies/plans/funds that we review.  We believe you should control and have the choice of how all advice including any future money ‘MOT’ advice service be delivered to you and at what cost.  There are four pricing options, allowing you to save up to 25%.

Pricing / Purchase Options

1. Non Face to Face Paid Upfront
25% Discount
Fee per Plan : Fee per Plan (Upfront) - £264.00
2. Non Face to Face Paid On Completion
15% Discount
Fee per Plan : Fee per Plan (Completion) - £299.20
3. Face to Face Paid Upfront
10% Discount
Fee per Plan : Fee per Plan (Upfront) - £316.80
4. Face to Face Paid On Completion
Standard Fee
Fee per Plan : Fee per Plan (Completion) - £352.00

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