Ad Hoc Product Administration When Not Using Money MOT Services


This service is for clients that are NOT using our ongoing, regular Gold or Platinum Money MOT Services and just want ad-hoc administration works on regulated pensions and investment schemes.

This service is for clients that do not want a regular servicing arrangement but may need ad-hoc and irregular administration for their regulated pensions and investments.  For example, needing to make withdrawals or the movement of money or funds either internally or externally.

This is a NON-ADVISED Service

  • There is no regulated financial advice required or given.
  • There is no review of the suitability, affordability, tax or legal implications of your instructions.
  • There will be no regulated advisory recommendations included.
  • This service is purely administration based upon your explicit instructions.

What is included?

  • Processing your specific fund switch instructions.
  • Movement of money between accounts inside the product.
  • Making pension bank/fixed rate account applications.
  • Setting up, changing and administering pension drawdown or investment withdrawals.
  • Bed & ISA transfers for General Investment Accounts (GIA) and Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs).
  • Meetings - We will have a meeting with you face to face or a remote consultation to discuss ongoing changes (depending upon fee option selected).
  • Deal with Companies - We deal with any queries from insurance, investment or pension companies regarding any fund switches/changes.
  • This service covers up to 4 sets of administration instructions/transactions per policy/plan per year.  E.g., You may instruct us to make 2 sets of fund switches during the year and 2 sets of fund withdrawals or ad-hoc pension income or lump sum payments during the year on the same policy.

Ad-Hoc Administration Service Fees:  

Our fees are based upon the number of policies/plans/funds that you want us to administer.  We believe you should control and have the choice of how all policy administration services be delivered to you and at what cost.  There are four pricing options, allowing you to save up to 25%.

Pricing / Purchase Options

1. Non Face to Face Paid Upfront
25% Discount
Fee per Plan : Fee per Plan (Upfront) - £222.75
2. Non Face to Face Paid On Completion
15% Discount
Fee per Plan : Fee per Plan (Completion) - £252.45
3. Face to Face Paid Upfront
10% Discount
Fee per Plan : Fee per Plan (Upfront) - £267.30
4. Face to Face Paid On Completion
Standard Fee
Fee per Plan : Fee per Plan (Completion) - £297.00

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