Ethical Investment

Published / Last Updated on 05/11/2021

Ethical Investment - Green Investment

Ecological and Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) Advice.

We are experts in offering socially responsible,  ecological, green and ethical financial advice.

What is in Ethical Investment:

Green investment (SRI) does not mean that you have to sacrifice investment performance or have huge additional investment charges applied to your savings.  

Ecologically aware:  Many of us now are much more aware of our environment and the impact that man has made and is still making on the environment.  

Low Carbon Footprint Advice:  Getting the best green ecological, ethical and socially responsible advice you can, does not have to mean a sharp suit, flashy car, briefcase laden adviser, neither does it mean eco-warriors with peace signs and tattoo's on our foreheads.

Green Investments and Pensions: Whether you wish to invest regular savings or lump sums, there is a full range of investment and pension products available. 

Ethical Investment Advice



Advice with a low carbon footprint

Ethical Investing Advice from award winning investment advisers:
Need some help with your green, ecological, ethical and socially responsible investment (SRI) savings and investment planning?

  • Are Ethical Investments any good?
  • Is Ethical Investing cheaper or more expensive?
  • What about new energy technologies?
  • Should I invest early?
  • Would you like low environment impact, non-travel, non-gas guzzling Ethical Investing Advice from your desktop?

Get award winning, low carbon footprint, ethical investment advice right now, you have nothing to lose.  Complete our contact form or book a callback.

SRI - Socially Responsible Investment

Investing with a conscience:

There are millions of people who choose to invest ‘with their conscience’ everyday and as a result there are many hundreds of different types of investment with very competitive charges and more than acceptable returns.  

Socially responsible investment (SRI) plans can invest in wide and diverse areas such as new power sources in the form of wind farming and tidal research, new farming methods, avoid investing in countries with terror regimes or poor humanitarian records; through to avoiding other areas such as investment in tobacco or chemicals or animal testing.  

The choices are vast but thankfully you do not have to do the research yourself.  We have done the research and hard work for you.

What is SRI:

Socially responsible investment (SRI) involves fund managers, bankers, insurers and financial advisers considering the ethical, social and environmental actions and performance of companies when selecting them for investment.

In addition, they are usually looking at their own business models to ensure that their own firm is acting responsibly.

Pooled Investment: Collective Ethical Investment

As investors, we generally pool our money with many other investors, this is known as collective investment.  We then engage a fund manager, normally it is our pension fund or investment fund or insurance company, to manage this money for us with specific e.g.  Ethical objectives.

Fund Manager Approaches:

There are broadly three approaches as defined by EIRIS (Ethical Investment Research Services) to companies managing and delivering SRI financial products for investors:

  • Screening - broadly having a selection of areas e.g.  fur trade, that are unacceptable and excluded
  • Preference - where for example, the fund manager may need to invest in oil but it chooses the most ethical
  • Engagement - where fund manager investors are actively encouraging companies that they invest in to become 'greener'

Screening is by far the most popular choice of delivering ethical investment choices for the public.

We help to understand what is SRI, so you have a better view.  If you would like to ask us anything else on the issue please contact us.

For a list of services and firms that provide ethical funds and services see our ethical investment explained page.  There you will find some information on some providers that have services and funds that are eco friendly.

Speak to an adviser today to discuss arranging an ethical investment, mortgage or pension please contact us.

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