Uplifts From Equitable _ Our View

Published / Last Updated on 10/03/2002

In return for giving up their guaranteed annuity rates, Equitable Life policyholders have had their funds uplifted by an average of 17.5%.  Non guaranteed annuity rate holders have received a flat 2.5% increase in return for agreeing not to sue Equitable for poor returns.  Some of the money from the uplifts will have been from the £250 million from Halifax.  The future of Equitable Life is now uncertain and everyone has their own opinions.  OpinionWe see the Equitable Life situation favouring some policyholders more than others.  We also feel that the company now has exceptionally low reserves and poor resulting financial strength.  Policyholders need to look at their individual situations in isolation and look at what the circumstances mean to them.  Check out the pros and cons for staying with or moving away from Equitable.  Most importantly, do not move away from Equitable without knowing all of the consequences of your actions - you cannot go back.If you do not understand the policy you have or the implications of staying or moving, contact us for advice.  Knowing your position now could save you time and money later on.  Equitable News Archives

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