Pension Credit Change To Hit Thousands

Published / Last Updated on 22/01/2019

A change to Pension Credit could cost some couples more than £7,000 a year (according to many online sources), after the Government announced a change to the Pension Credit rules, by stealth we have to say, amid all the recent Brexit Vote rejection chaos.

Couples where just one is over the state pension age, which currently for both men and women is 65, will no longer be able to claim Pension Credit.  This will take effect from 15th May 2019.  Currently, you only need one of the parties involved to be at state pension age, from May, both will need to be at state pension age

Any couple wanting to claim after the 15th May that is not entitled to Pension Credit e.g. only one is at state pension age, will have to claim Universal Credit (UC) instead, which amounts to potentially much less than Pension Credit.

Couples already in receipt of Pension Credit or Pension-Age Housing Benefit, even if only one has reached state pension age, before the 15th May will still be entitled to either of these benefits.

With that in mind, you should also be aware that from September through to October 2020, state pension age increases to age 66 to add further woes to those that may seek Pension Credit.

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