What Should I Do If I Wish to Change Investment Funds?

Published / Last Updated on 30/09/2021

If you wish to change or switch your investments funds from higher risk to lower risk or lower risk to higher funds or move into other markets, you should take the following action.

  • GOLD NO ADVICE: For Gold clients who do not want mid-term advice, send us your specific fund swicthes and we will action your specific switch instructions at no extra charge.
  • GOLD WITH ADVICE: For Gold clients who do not know what funds they want and require mid-term advice on which funds to switch to/from, there will be a mid-term additional fund advice charge.
  • PLATINUM WITH OR WITHOUT ADVICE: For Platinum clients we will bring your next Platinum review forwards for your funds and suggest/deal with switches at no additional charge.

CHECK YOUR LAST REVIEW REPORT:  To see what funds we recommended to you so that you know what you are in or what you decided to postpone investing in.

DIY: Log in to your investments/telephone the provider direct to instruct any fund switches.

Email us:  Check your last report and send us an email with your instructions.

WARNING:  NO ADVICE GIVEN OR DEEMED TO BE GIVEN:  WE CANNOT ADVISE WHEN A GOOD TIME TO INVEST OR NOT IS – INVESTMENT ALERTS ARE ISSUED FOR INFORMATION ONLY ON OUR OWN PERSONAL VIEWS OF THE MARKETS.  Please do not ask us for advice on what to do – if we knew exactly what will happen with markets, we would be billionaires.  This alert service is purely for information to let you know when we personally invest our own money in/out of markets.

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