Good Company Service

Published / Last Updated on 14/08/2014

Good Company Service

The Tale Of Two Companies - It Is the Little Things That Count

As an example of how getting the little things right and the bigger issues take care of themselves, please consider the example in this section:

The Scenario:

You get the chance to buy a brilliant business in Paris which is really important to your firm's strategy. 

You do not know any French lawyers so the local Chamber of Commerce gave you the names of two firms.  So you ring them up.  

Please view the responses from  Yves & Co* and Xavier & Co* and decide who you would use.

The Tale of Two Companies Make Your Choice:


* Both these companies are entirely fictitious companies and not based upon any one company.  Any resemblance to real companies trading under these names or similar is entirely coincidental and is not intended as a reflection of the service offered by such companies.

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