Bond How Much Cashed In Before Potentially Taxable

For insurance investments bonds there is a special rule that allows us to encash up to 5% pa cumulatively of the original investment without any immediate liability to tax as a UK Resident.  If you have made past withdrawals (the previous question) did you exceed the 5% rule at the time?  E.g.  Original Investment £10,000.  5% pa = £500pa.  Had the bond for 5 years, means cumulatively you could withdraw up to 25% of the original value (5yrs X 5% = £2,500) without a top slicing/tax calculation nor incurring an immediate liability to tax.  The theory being over a 20 yr period (20 x 5%) = 100% of original investment cashed in and what remains is potentially taxable growth.  ONLY INCLUDE AMOUNTS THAT EXCEEDED THE 5% at the time - at the time of past withdrawals you may have received a CHARGEABLE EVENTS CERTIFICATE from the investment bond company if this were the case.

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